10/17/2018 PET Scan Results
October 25th, 2018 we received the results from the PET scan that was done on the 17th. Every visit I always asked for copies of the scans/bloodwork etc. and made plenty of notes. (I am pretty organized thankfully so I can get specific with our story). The nurse brought back the report and of co
The initial reaction did not change on the lymph node dissection, this was still something Todd was not interested in doing. The thought now was whether or not to have these 4 lymph nodes removed?
There was an immediate natural instinct that came over us. That day we went to Walmart, where we knew we could get a juicer and some organic produce in one place! We bought the best one we could find, it is Jack Lalanne’s Fusion Juicer. It has worked pretty good for us for the last 3 months of everyday use (we will probably be looking for an upgrade before too long). Not only do we use it every day but we make anywhere from 48-96 ounces of juice a day, it takes a lot of fruit and vegetables to produce that much juice and time
Since I make a days worth of juice at a time we use Vitamin C crystals (ascorbic acid) to preserve the juice. This bottle will last a while, we are still on the first one. I may try another brand in the future but have not had any issues with this one.