2019 Books and Podcasts

For the first time in my life, I have actually enjoyed reading or in my case listening. I have never been a person to go to the book store or the library and pick out a book to read. I use to hate reading books in school and doing a book report. Although, when we were young and would go on a road trip, my parents would stop at Cracker Barrel and pick out an audiobook for us all to listen too. I loved that it made the time go by, but never thought about the convenience as an adult who did not like to read.
If your reading this post I’m sure you know that my blog is not about book reviews and I never ever thought I’d ever write one. When Todd was diagnosed with cancer, my mind had an immediate reaction, that I needed to be strong for him and Kloey. I needed to stay positive and optimistic. I knew that it didn’t matter how scared I was because we ALL were indeed scared. I had to decide to show up and be the best me that I could possibly be. Somedays I did not make the cut, but I can say that I have made an effort and tried every single day!
When you start to look on the brighter side of things even going through something so tough, you can start to notice all the good around you. Things started to spark my interest that never did before, which led me to documentary series. One after the other and then I watched The Truth About Cancer and was immediately intrigued by the knowledge being told, or should I say not told!? I would encourage anyone dealing with a cancer diagnosis to look into it. I was awaiting the Transcendence – Live Life Beyond the Ordinary series and that had a huge impact on me! So many motivational natural healing practices and influential speakers. Thus began my want for more, I could not get enough. I was finding myself in all this mess and this was making perfect sense to me.
After a while, I became interested in podcasts because it was audio and easy, oh and free. Most podcasts are short enough to listen to on a walk, the perfect companion. Soon after came motivational books, but way too soon to go pick one up. I knew if I bought a book it would sit there for a LONG time before I “thought” I’d have the time to sit down and read it, I have a problem relaxing. Then I realized I could listen to them on Audible, simply amazing! I can listen while I work, clean, drive you get the drift, I love it and I’m addicted. I have read an average of a book a month since May, I realize that’s not a whole lot but for me it most certainly is.
Here are some of the top podcast that I listen to:
- Oprah’s Supersoul Conversations
- Marie Forleo
- Rise
- Rise Together
- The Food Matters
- Danica Patrick – Pretty Intense (my most recent fav)
Books – Here’s my list in order of which I read them:
Girl, Wash Your Face – by Rachel Hollis – This book outlines common lies that women tell themself and ways she worked through them. Very relatable to all women on one level or another. It teaches other women to stop believing the lies about themselves to become who they want to be.
Girl, Stop Apologizing – by Rachel Hollis – Different from the other book, this one focuses more on embracing and achieving your goals. This began my obsession with the Start Today Journal and making intentional goals in my life and starting each day with gratitude. It’s true it really transforms your life. I was lucky enough to be gifted my first journal and consider it one of the best gifts I have ever received!
Rachel does a Rise women’s conference and has made a documentary that you can watch on Amazon.
Dare to Lead – by Brene Brown – Brene has a Ph. D and is a research professor studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy which really interest me. Especially since my post on vulnerability and I was feeling all of these and wanted to know more. Most people do not talk or share these feelings, but in my experience, it has given me some of the best conversations, real conversations. I’m not sure why I chose this book to read first because she has several to choose from, Brene has several books on these subjects and I look forward to reading more of them. She also has a documentary you can watch, it’s on Netflix.
Brave, Not perfect – by Reshma Saujani – Reshma is in politics, something I do not get into much at all. Yes, I know as Americans we all should but it has never been something that I have never had any interest in. I loved the message she gives in this book starting with her as a child. We all start learning and becoming self-aware as children, I mean that is every single one of our past and we need to own it, not dwell on it, and become stronger from it….Brave not perfect!
Everything is Figureoutable – by Marie Forleo – I could not wait for this book to come out, definitely the one I wanted to “read” the most! I absolutely loved it, Marie doesn’t take any bullshit and not afraid to tell you not to believe it either. Her motto is in the title and seriously everything really is figureoutable. She gives hope but tangible examples of proof, real-life stories of how others have used it to figure out their situations. I love her personality and you should check out her podcast or better yet the live version of Marie TV. Why? “Because the world needs that special gift that only you have.” – Marie Forleo
Of Mess and Moxie – by Jen Hatmaker – Ok, I admit that I almost did not follow through with this book solely because she is a woman of strong faith and I was not sure if the whole book would be preaching. No offense, just not the books I was looking to listen to. Anyway, I am so glad I did. I was surprised to listen to her real and honest stories that literally made me laugh out loud numerous times. The how-to’s alone made the whole book for me!
The 5 Second Rule – Mel Robbins – What a simple concept and I thought it would be easier said than done and I put this book on my list where it stayed because I just thought it was going to be a no brainer. Mel explains why something so simple can be so hard and yet so achievable. She gives so many examples from people that have written to her and have put the 5-second rule in their lives. It’s amazing, we are only 5 seconds away from what we want in life.
I needed some positive self-motivation in my life, don’t we all? I truly feel like anyone could get some good out of any one of these books. If you don’t like to read join me in the listening club. Check one of these out, let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions, please send them my way.
NEW YEAR, SAME YOU! I took a break for the holidays and I think I’m going to incorporating some memoirs from my wish list and see where that leads me. I’m not sure if I will ever pick up on the fiction reading, I would not think so but ya never know, I do love my drama shows!