We should all be free to be ourselves! I feel like this is touching on everything I have already blogged about. Being vulnerable enough to let your true self shine. Let go of things that bring us down and are not
Do you ever stop and think about coincidences? I have always believed things happen for a reason. I have noticed lately in everything I come across seems to be connected in one way or another. It’s really crazy, but in a good way how often this has happened. I could make a huge list of instances from the podcast I listen to, the stories I read, the shows I watch and even the people I have been around. Then I realize that this message is coming from a place of intent and trying to show me something. In some cases, it is not as direct but it is the same…BE YOU. The universe is sending these kinds of signals all the time and we ignore them, we don’t think those thoughts really matter.
You matter and your thoughts matter too, you are worthy of so much greatness. Every good thing that has happened came from just one little thought. If we want something bad enough, we make sure one way or another to get it. Make that imagination a reality, who says that you can’t? We as people are creative by nature, obviously some more than others or so it seems that way. I think that it is inside of all of us and some are more comfortable expressing it. I don’t even mean creative to be an art form like painting, I mean taking your ideas and making them into something, anything!
A lot of us let fear get in the way…and I know some are thinking, nope not me, I’m fearless, but are you really? Are you holding back some of your true self because your scared of what people might think? I know on some level you care about what someone thinks.
I am a wife and a mother and being those two things to Todd and Kloey are by far my truest roles ever! To them, I am completely myself and don’t feel the need to hide anything or pretend to be someone else. I’m pretty sure they are the same way towards me, as I feel like my other true role is a daughter to my parents. Somehow along the way of being children and adults we let what others think of us get in the way of who we really are. The fear of not being liked or just wanting to be the cool kid makes us lose sight of our personal goals and they turn into what everyone else is doing or trying to please people who could care less about us. I was never the popular kid and thankfully didn’t want that much attention towards myself, but I definitely did many things unlike me to try and fit in. I have a lot of regrets and most of them are from not listening to intuition and acting out of my character.
We all have faults and we all make mistakes, none of us are perfect! We can only learn from them and try to correct them and then sometimes it’s those little flaws that really makes us unique. I have been accused of trying to be perfect or that I am petty about things and I can blame this on my OCD but it is really hurtful. I know that I am not perfect, but damn it, for the most part, I like to do the best I can with whatever I’m doing. Again, I am not saying that I am the best, but I try to do my best. I try to be the best mom to my daughter, I try to be the best wife to my husband, and I try to be the best friend that I can because I want that too. I just want to give my all to any commitment as I expect that in return. I want to be the best version of me! If I am not trying my best then what’s the use in just being in a meaningless relationship…exactly there no need for wasting time, we only have this one life to live.
People are cruel and say some really horrible things to others to hurt their feeling on purpose, why is it that we bring ourselves to this place when something upsets us? People are coming from a place of self-hurt and for whatever reason, it’s a “normal” response for us to be mean back. The judgment passed on us from those that have not walked a mile in our shoes. Instead of trying to see different perspectives from others in what they have gone through and I am guilty of this too. It’s the world we live in and it’s sad! We are all different and we need to support that, after all, who wants to be the same as someone else? Stop the comparisons you silently make in your head. No one is better than anyone else. You should not feel in competition in the game of real life with anyone other than yourself.

You and your style should reflect you, wear the things you like. No, they don’t have to be name brands or even new for that matter. I love a good bargain and gladly shop at discount stores like Goodwill (especially on Sunday’s when the color of the week is only $.99) and get way more for my money than an overpriced department store or fancy boutique. Now seriously there are some really cute things in these kinds of stores and I have purchased many full price items and I’m sure I will continue to. So, I don’t have anything against them, I just mean that’s not what makes you, you. I’m more of jeans and tee shirt kind of person and almost refuse to wear a dress because being dressy does not make me happy and I definitely feel awkward. Why should any of us be in any situation that we are not confident in? Sometimes we have to step outside our comfort zone, and yet another thing I need to work on, but I do think that we can find our own way of accomplishing things that are a better fit. We need to have the courage to be ourselves. For example, I hate selfies, like true by myself selfies…but here I am posting them on my blog. Even though this picture at the top, I obviously did not take myself, you know the point I’m trying to make. I am becoming brave enough to share myself and my story.
When you think about what kind of life you want or what kind of person you want to be, what do you see? Is it the life you are already living? Are you proud of where you are in your journey? Are you honored for the people you surround yourself with? Now think, if that the person you really want to be? Life is too short to not live it the way you want. It is too short to not express the way you feel and go after the things that bring us the most satisfaction! Isn’t that what we are all striving for, a life we do not feel like we need a vacation from? If that’s not how you see it, then you are just being dishonest with yourself. You are literally lying to yourself and everyone around you.
Don’t let anything stop you from following your dreams, don’t give up chasing what you really want. Don’t wait for the perfect timing because that will never happen! Live a life without regrets, without fear and no limits! Start saying yes to the things you want and no to the things you don’t. Remember, you are stronger than you think and can overcome so much in this life to get to where you want to be. Look at what you have been through so far and what you have accomplished, good and/or bad, you got through it and you are here today. I have found myself in the hardest of times and have realized who my true friends are and they are not many and that’s ok because I like my circle honest. We attract people we want to be around. I have changed a lot and not everyone can accept that. Make time for you to get to know yourself. What gives your life meaning, what fulfillment can you give to yourself? Do you have a calling that you ignore because you think your not that person? Follow your heart and soul and you will find yourself along the way. I can promise you will be happier doing so, being YOU.

6 Responses
So true, just be you! I love you my beautiful daughter!!!
Awe, Thank s MOM! I love you too!!! xoxo
Yes, we are 🙂
Great piece! So true. Be you!
Thank you!