Big Changes
I think we took things for granted in the beginning and that is something we regret every day. Although, would we be where we are today, living this wonderful new life? We all thought Todd was clear, and after a while, our routine was not too much different than it was before besides all of the doctor appointments. We tried not to think about cancer often and did not think there was a need to. All we knew is Todd was on this immunotherapy treatment and did not think reoccurrence would happen. I think we were ignorant t
We know now there were bigger changes that we needed to make, complete lifestyle changes. Beginning with detoxing the body, putting only the good in and getting the toxic out. On top of the juicing and eating a healthy organic diet Todd started taking minerals daily (I take them too). It helps to detox the body and build the immune system. We use the Terramin Mega-Mineral Supplement: this is a two
Todd began doing three coffee enemas a day. He does
If the deals on amazon are not there, we often revert back to the S.A. Wilson’s website:
There were some supplements that Todd started to take before seeing the new doctor that included:
PABA – Bailey used this B vitamin and her Oncologist believed that it killed cancer cells in a petri-dish. I have also read of people taking it to prevent from sun burning, which I thought was interesting. But would like to do more research on the blocking of UV rays.
Melatonin – I’m sure some of you know it is used for aiding sleep. It has also been shown to help with cellular health, tissue,
ASEA REDOX – Is a cell signaling supplement. It keeps your cells talking to each other to help protect, restore and rejuvenate your cells. We buy the four pack for a better value.
Welcoming with open arms any kind of support for natural healing.