
Navigating our way through natural healing

One and Only

Wow, I cannot even believe that we have a twelve-year-old! Kloey officially turned 12 yesterday. I started out writing that we had a tween, but now I’m not too sure what the regulations are…So, a teenager is between 13-19, a tween is between the ages of 9-12, and a pre-teen is considered before age 12.…
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We should all be free to be ourselves! I feel like this is touching on everything I have already blogged about. Being vulnerable enough to let your true self shine. Let go of things that bring us down and are not you. Detox your mind, body, and spirit until cleansed of all the trash that…
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The world is such a toxic place! We have this beautiful planet that we call home. Earth has provided everything we need to survive and live a healthy life. But yet human beings are treating it as a dump. Everywhere we look is some form of toxicity to the environment we live in. The air…
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Do you meditate? Or do you think that meditation is just sitting with your legs crisscrossed and doing nothing? While sitting that way is a popular position, and not doing any physical activity is somewhat the point, meditation is much more than that and goes deep within. It is about taking a moment to reflect…
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Second Thermography Results

Todd had a second thermography done April 29th, it had been about 4 months since the last thermography scan. The results from this kind of scan are not as specific as a PET scan, x-ray or ultrasound. We received the results within a couple of days but wanted to wait until we clarified them with…
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Stuff is just that, “stuff”! Becoming more of a minimalist is another thing that has changed in our lives. We look around and see all these things that are just stuff, nothing that we actually need, or that is beneficial. I have never been much for material things, but who doesn’t like something shiny and…
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Let it Go

Letting go is a huge part of any healing process. Holding on to negative feelings are harmful to our health. These thoughts are always in the back of your mind and can cause a lot of stress. Whether you are religious and leaving it in God’s hands or simply letting things be, it is important…
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When we think of someone being vulnerable, it sounds like a bad thing and by definition you are weak. That is not the way I see it anymore! I think to be vulnerable is the epitome of being real, like really deep and real with people. However, the definition can be true if your story…
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Vitamin C & Oxygen

Although we were very interested in the RGCC testing, it is just not affordable right now. Intravenous vitamin C and Ozone therapies are not measured with the testing, but we have done enough research to know that they could be beneficial to fighting cancer cells and we thought it was a smarter decision to opt…
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I have never been officially diagnosed with having anxiety, but I do not need the diagnosis to know I have it. Looking back on my life, it is something I have always had and just didn’t realize it until it became an issue. Kind of like my OCD and I think that can lead to…
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