Category: Uncategorized

Navigating our way through natural healing

Our Metastatic Melanoma Journey: Navigating Treatment, Integrative Approaches, and Hope

We wanted answers, and finally, we got them. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions since hearing Todd’s diagnosis again last week, and the journey ahead is daunting, but we’re ready to face it head-on. Todd had his port placed Thursday, a reminder of the battle he’s about to undertake. Today marks the beginning of his…
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Beyond Conventional Medicine

Five years ago, we made a bold decision to step away from the conventional doctor’s office, and it turned out to be one of the easiest and most empowering choices we’ve ever made. Our realization was simple yet profound: diet and lifestyle are so important in determining overall wellbeing. It became clear that if our…
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A Journey of Healing and Hope

Hello to you all! It’s been 3 years since my last blog post (may be a little rusty writing) and I think a part of me just wanted to let go of our old life all together, but as we observe World Cancer Day today, I find myself reflecting on a journey that began six…
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My honest opinion was that the whole idea was a waste of money and I’d much rather sleep in my own bed. I hate even spending the money to go out of town and have to buy a hotel room, just another peeve of mine. Can anyone relate? I could see the relaxation potential in…
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Wellness Dentist Part 2

If you read the original “Wellness Dentist” you understand what a wellness dentist is all about. That post was Todd’s experience, although I was there, I had not had the experience myself until recently. I know that my health is important too, but at the time of that post, Todd’s health was a top priority.…
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We Need an Update

I know, I have totally been slacking on my blog post lately! Juggling life is not easy most of the time and it’s been since December that I gave a true update on Todd’s health…wow this year keeps getting faster and crazier! In August, it had been a whole year since Todd’s last PET scan.…
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Life is Crazy

What has happened to 2020 and the momentum I had in January? I cannot believe half the year flew by and better yet, I really can’t believe that it’s been a year since we went to Mexico for Todd’s cancer treatment. I have had some very emotional times lately with reminiscing about our trip and…
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This seemed like the perfect time to publish this post… I’m sure a lot of people think I am crazy for homeschooling! And until this past year, I would have thought the same thing for myself. Really, I would have never seen this coming and it took a lot to get me here. Elementary school…
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2019 Books and Podcasts

For the first time in my life, I have actually enjoyed reading or in my case listening. I have never been a person to go to the book store or the library and pick out a book to read. I use to hate reading books in school and doing a book report. Although, when we…
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I can’t believe it’s been a month since the last blog post! So here is an update, Todd has continued to gain mobility a little more each day. He has stopped going to therapy for now as the cost is just too much and we can maintain most of the exercises at home. His reach…
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