
The world is such a toxic place! We have this beautiful planet that we call home. Earth has provided everything we need to survive and live a healthy life. But yet human beings are treating it as a dump. Everywhere we look is some form of toxicity to the environment we live in. The air we breathe all around us, the products we use, the food we eat and even the people we surround ourselves with. When you stop and think about it, we could all use a good all around detox and/or cleanse.
Detox is the process of removing toxins, eliminating toxic waste, ridding the body of unhealthy substances. If you are looking for a healthier life, you need to start by detoxing it! And I mean your whole life, not just your body. Doesn’t it make sense to get rid of everything toxic in your life in order to achieve what you want?
Obviously, we think of a physical cleanse when we initially think detox and that it a great place to start. Whether you are having an underlying issue to which you are suffering some side effects or trying to lose weight. Did you know that the body stores toxins in fat cells? YES, to try and keep them from attacking the organs, but when you give your body what it needs, it then releases the toxins and excess fat. There are several reasons for one to want to detox their body and a variety of ways to do it.
Juicing delivers the nutrients in a larger dosage from the fruits and vegetables into your bloodstream. Without having to digest all the fiber, the vitamins, minerals, plant phytochemicals, and enzymes are absorbed quicker and easier. Your digestive system is always working hard to break down solid foods, juicing gives your body a break. If your not a big veggie lover (like me), this is a yummy way to get them. Also, strengthens your immune system and more…juicing has some serious benefits!
Essential oils have properties that can support health on a cellular level, including the process of detoxification. Essential oils are fat soluble making them able to be delivered to all the organs of the body including the brain. There are several single oils and oil blends that help support the removal of toxins in different areas of the body. The various methods can be used as well internally, topically, and aromatically which smell amazing 😉
Diet needs to be a key in not only detoxing but your overall health. What good is detoxing if you are not eating a healthy diet? What we are feeding our bodies may taste really good but you have to admit afterward makes you feel pretty crappy. We were designed to eat what earth has given us and we have gravitated from that into fast and convenience and not necessarily healthy choices. Even our healthy options have become compromised by the chemicals being sprayed on them, how is that even fair? Anyway, our diets need to be beneficial, not harmful.
Enemas… I have gone over some of the benefits of coffee enemas especially for chronic disease and detoxing the liver filtration system. Coffee enemas are able to increase your energy, bring clarity to your mind and even help with depression. Enemas, in general, are a good way to cleanse the colon and lower part of your digestive tract helping to remove any waste.

With the environment we live in detoxification needs to a part of our everyday routines in one way or another. We are continuously taking in the toxins on a daily basis, and there is no way to get completely away from it all. So doesn’t it make sense to detox often? Once you do an initial detox and get your self feeling the way you should, keep it that way. Just like the maintenance on your car, you should have the same care for the only body in which you live your life though.
I think that when we start on a journey of detoxing it can lead to the other types of detoxification. It opens the door that we might want to start to clean out more of our lives. The clarity we have about what is damaging becomes a natural instinct that we only want to surround ourselves with these positive changes. Why go back to the old, toxic life once you have been cleansed? I believe that the world can be a better place if we can each take the tiny steps together to make it right. I know not everyone understands, but those that do can help one another and our planet and the hope is that others will follow down the correct path. Don’t wait until something happens to you to realize that you need to take better care of yourself and the environment you live in.