Fund Raising

Navigating our way through natural healing

Fund Raising

If any of you have ever had to fundraise, you may know how hard it is to ask people for money. Thankfully, we have not had to ask for much in our adult lives and have held a lot of pride in that. In fact, I was taught not to ask for help and that created in my mind a sign of weakness. I was afraid to be vulnerable, I was ashamed to ask, I was worried about what other people would think of me and my husband. I was also scared that no one would donate and then I would have all these other feelings of stress, anxiety, loneliness, and hopelessness.

Back in December, once we made up our mind to start a fundraiser I was so nervous to go live with it. I cried when we got the first donation and continued when I saw how generous people can be, I was overwhelmed with so many positive emotions that I thought my fears went away. My heart felt so big, knowing that there are still caring people in the world we live in. We felt love and support from others and that was an amazing feeling of gratitude.

All the joy should have kept me motivated and I should have pushed harder than I have ever pushed for anything in my whole life. But I didn’t, I did not share the fundraising as must as I should have. I felt nervous and anxious every time I would give an update or share the link. I let the negative thoughts, opinions, and judgments of other people block me from moving in the right direction. I even let just the fear of this happening get to me. If there are people I know criticizing me then there must be others… And just like that, we gave up and as soon as the raffles were drawn, we decided to remove the fundraiser all together.

Some people don’t have the empathy towards others and that’s ok if that is the person they choose to be. What is not ok is the impact that they leave on someone else’s life. The words we say to others can be a bigger deal to them then we know. I am learning to be a better person and will forever continue my path of self-growth…I will get there. There is a place that I don’t give two shits what someone’s opinion is of me because that is their issue, not mine. Especially if it comes from someone I do not value their opinions to begin with. There is a place where I am confident enough just to be me. There is a place where I can be free.

I have been working on myself pretty consistently for a while now and have discovered the things I need to do in my life to be happy despite and because of what we are going through. We are worth it, we deserve it and I deserve it. I think anyone looking to better themselves deserves it. Todd’s life is worth more than any amount of money we could ever think of raising. We were so touched and thankful for the donations given, but we need more! When you think of your spouse or loved one in any life-threatening situation wouldn’t you do anything to get them what they need? I personally feel so guilty for not trying harder. But you know what, Todd is still here thriving with stage 4 melanoma, and he’s doing a damn good job at it. I am so proud of the man he has become, he is dedicated to this healing journey. To look at him seems impossible that he has this disease and why wait to see if things get worse to take action? He wants to be proactive…something we all need to think about in our daily lives. So, we have made a new plan of action and will do whatever we have to do to make our dreams a reality!

We are going to CHIPSA hospital in Mexico no matter what it takes. If my husband wants to go out of the country to seek alternative treatments, then we are going to make it happen! I am going to share our story over and over again (might even get annoying) because we need help, we completely understand that not everyone can donate and we definitely do not expect one person to donate thousands of dollars. But if you could at least share the fundraising links and/or even our story in hopes that united we can have faith that we will be at CHIPSA on August 19th, we have already made the deposit and our spot is reserved. We will all be there for 3 weeks as Todd receives outpatient treatments and Kloey and I will be there to support him through this.

We have spoken several times to CHIPSA’s life coach and have had 2 separate phone consultations with different doctors. The most recent call, Todd was advised to come to CHIPSA without having the tumors removed, to attack the problem and try to identify the issue while building the immunity of his whole body. They have had great success rates with shrinking tumors. The therapies offered there are ones not covered in the United States and many are not even allowed to be performed here. The hospital supports the healing of the body and the mind. We know that healing has to be full-spectrum, while some don’t believe in this kind of treatment, there is plenty of evidence to back it up.

Check out this video on CHIPSA’s website /


*3-round trip flight tickets to San Diego (departing August 17th & Returning on September 7th (the day before Todd’s 37th Birthday!) – approx $2,000 – Do you or someone you know have any miles saved that they might be willing to donate?

*Hotel stay in San Diego on the arrival day = $150

*CHIPSA Outpatient Care Plus® CHIPSA Outpatient Care Plus® includes: $27,500

  • Physician’s Fee’s – Nurse Fee’s – Chair Fee Monday- Friday – Three Enhanced Gerson Meals – Gerson juices – Coffee Enemas
  • Apatone® Proprietary therapy that exhibits synergistic anti-tumor activity and preferentially kills tumor cells by autoschizis, a type of cell death characterized by exaggerated membrane damage and progressive loss of organelle-free cytoplasm through a series of self-excisions. This patented technology allows up to 400% more intravenous or oral vitamin C into the cancer cell. CHIPSA is the only hospital in the world approved to use Apatone.
  • Insulin Potentiated Therapy [IPT] Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) uses a combination of two orthodox drugs – insulin (actually insulin is also found in nature) and a chemotherapy drug. Cancer cells have highly active insulin receptors.
    The theory for IPT is that insulin works on cell membranes and allows chemotherapy to target cancer cells. Thus, it is the chemotherapy that kills the cancer cells, however, because of the insulin, the amount of chemotherapy needed is greatly reduced, meaning the side-effects of the chemotherapy are greatly reduced. Thus, the chemotherapy is much more potent (thus the word: potentiation), much less chemotherapy is needed, and far fewer side-effects are experienced.
  • Gerson Immunotherapy Protocol Gerson Immunotherapy is an alternative medicine program that involves the use of dietary supplements, a specialized diet, and enemas. The protocol includes: all organic produce, potassium, CoQ10, B12, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, Lugol’s Solution, Pancreatic Enzymes, Pepsin, and Flaxseed Oil.
  • Coley’s Therapy [Mixed Vaccine] Coley’s Therapy [Mixed Vaccine] The treatment consists of a sterile (dead) mixture of gram-positive Streptococcus pyogenes and gram-negative Serratia marcescens bacteria. Using a killed bacterial suspension mimics an infection (producing chills and fever) and accompanying immune response, without incurring the risks of an actual infection. This coaxes the immune system to fight cancer and other diseases by releasing a dendritic cell storm. This treatment was made famous by Dr. William Coley, the father of immunotherapy.
  • Laetrile/Amygdalin (B17) Laetrile is a form of the natural substance amygdalin. Amygdalin is a plant substance found naturally in raw nuts and the pips of many fruits, particularly apricot pips, or kernels. In the 1970s over 200k people came to Mexico for Laetrile treatment. Studies have shown it slow cancer metastasis.
  • IV Ozone Therapy Blood is drawn and Ozone is added to the drawn blood. It is then run through a UV A, B, and C light to further clean it of pathogens. The stimulation of the Ozone and UV light creates a vaccine-like immune response. This a powerful immuno-stimulant and is known for its antiviral effects and anti-bacterial effects. It also protects cells against extra damage from chemotherapy.
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments (HBO) Hyperbaric oxygen can be used to overcome hypoxia. This is important because cancer stem cells thrive in a hypoxic environment. HBO is based on the administration of 100% oxygen at higher than normal atmospheric pressure. HBO treatment enhances the amount of dissolved oxygen in the plasma, thereby increasing O2 tissue delivery independent of hemoglobin.
  • Hyperbaric Evaluation Evaluation for Hyperbaric Chamber Treatment Approval
  • Central Venous Catheter [“Central Line”] It is used to administer medication or fluids that are unable to be taken by mouth or would harm a smaller peripheral vein, obtain blood tests (specifically the “central venous oxygen saturation”), and measure central venous pressure.
  • Chelation EDTA Chelation Therapy is as a highly effective and safe intravenous treatment for the elimination of toxic heavy metals and improvement of circulation and health.
  • XRay 5.19 Chest/Abdomen
  • Supplements Standard Pack 3 month Supply Shipped from Las Vegas Potassium – 6 Bottles Lugol’s 2% – 4 Bottles Acidoll – 6 Bottles Pancreatin – 2 Bottles Niacin 50 – 1 Bottle Thyroids- 3 Bottles Liver Capsules – 1 Bottle
  • Ground Transportation Ground Transportation for patient, companion, and luggage between San Diego International Airport and CHIPSA Hospital

Additional cost while we are there:

  • Hotel stay $1,200
  • All meals for Kloey and myself. – From the research I can find, the two of us should be able to eat a meal for really cheap. I’m going to estimate $20 a day, for all 3 meals for both of us = $400

Please keep in mind that we have had a tough time keeping up on regular monthly expenses and we will be gone for 3 weeks without work or pay.

There have been and I’m sure will continue to be several unexpected expenses.

We trust in this treatment plan and we believe that everyone should have a choice to heal the way they want to. We have seen so many inspirational recovery stories from those that have gone to CHIPSA including our cancer coach Bailey Obrien (melanoma stage 4 survivor) and our new encouraging friend Ryan Luelf (lymphoma stage 4 two-time survivor). CHIPSA was the first place we heard of for alternative treatment, they have had great success with melanoma, and everything has led us back to there. The three of us have had a long, hard, and emotional road the past 18 months, we need this time away to heal the mind, body, and soul. I am so incredibly hopeful for our future that I can hardly wait. However, I do realize the journey itself will be (and has been) what transforms us into the people we aspire to be.

To visit the funding page click the link below


8 Responses

  1. Good article! We will be linking to this particularly great article on our site. Keep up the great writing.

  2. Bailey says:

    You’re precious, Ashley. Keep fighting your honorable fight, knowing that you’re dearly loved by the Creator of the universe and He will make a way for you where there is no way!! Love you, sister! 💖🙏🏼🌈😘🤗💪🏼✝️🙌🏼
    Psalm 86:7-8 NASBS
    [7] In the day of my trouble I shall call upon You, For You will answer me. [8] There is no one like You among the gods, O Lord, Nor are there any works like Yours.

    • admin says:

      Thank you, Bailey, for everything! I continue to be grateful for you 🙂 your help in guiding me to keep my faith has meant so much to me. Your encouragement from a place we are familiar with, I cannot thank you enough, LOVE YOU!!! XOXO

  3. Jo Lynn Hahn says:

    I’m so very proud of you both .. all 3 of you . You have continued to face this struggle with Grace and Dignity. You All deserve all you have stated and more . Hold your heads high and keep on posting and fundraising. We will keep sharing and giving and asking the same of others !

  4. Linda Meyer says:

    Well this was more than I needed to know in order to donate. I am in as bad as a financial place as you are – but I will buy a lottery ticket for you each week. I never buy lottery tickets! So my luck should be good!! Lol

    Love you guys and God Will provide!

    • admin says:

      Thank you, Linda! I am being as truthful as I can be 😉 We will keep our fingers crossed lol god luck!

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