Let it Go

Letting go is a huge part of any healing process. Holding on to negative feelings are harmful to our health. These thoughts are always in the back of your mind and can cause a lot of stress. Whether you are religious and leaving it in God’s hands or simply letting things be, it is important to let go of these thoughts and free your mind.
I have heard of many ways to express this and agree that transforming it into physical actions helps the mind be able to process them as gone. You can make a list on a piece of paper and cross each out, one by one. Or use small individual pieces of paper then toss them into a fire. Another way is to picture the words in a cloud and watch as they pass right by. Whatever creative way you can think of I’m sure will help.
Have you ever been to the beach and stood in the waves in the same spot? I always thought about the ocean taking my footprints out to sea. Why not let it take all of the things we need to let go of with it too, so that is what we did this morning. It was a beautiful sunny day here, and a nice flat serene seascape. As Todd and I both wrote words in the sand and watched them diminish, the feeling was incredibly lifting. It really can be that straightforward if we allow it to be. I would love to start every day with this effortless method of release.

Give up your fears, worries, anger, guilt, negativity and even health issues. I have a BIG problem overthinking things (over and over again), trust me nothing good comes from that. Even though I know we are doing all that we can, without stressing ourselves out too much. At some point, you either have to let it go or let it drag you down. Remove all of the things that hurt you and let this process heal. The positivity that comes from releasing these feelings is amazing. We must stay positive!

There are some things in life that are beyond our control and nobody’s life goes as they have planned. We can try our best to make the right choices in life and hope to produce a better outcome but sometimes there is nothing we can do and most things are not guaranteed. It is about the acceptance of what is, having faith in what will be and let go of what you cannot control.

I believe that you have to balance out and weigh in on the things to hold onto and what to let go. Even when it comes to relationships, we cannot hold onto things or people that are causing us pain. The could have, should have, would have, but didn’t moments…let them go! You will find that there is so much happiness in finding the courage inside yourself to let go, we can give ourselves the closure that has been missing.