Life is Crazy

What has happened to 2020 and the momentum I had in January? I cannot believe half the year flew by and better yet, I really can’t believe that it’s been a year since we went to Mexico for Todd’s cancer treatment. I have had some very emotional times lately with reminiscing about our trip and where we were in life just a year ago. We will never forget how much everyone helped us reach a goal that seemed so far away and will be forever grateful! A brief update on Todd’s health, most importantly he is doing well and feels good. He has gained a lot of reach in his left arm but still very painful and hard to lift with it. There are no plans for a scan to be done at this time, the last one was done Aug 2nd of last year. He does not want to have it done and although I wonder, I understand not wanting to be radiated if he doesn’t have to especially if he is feeling good. He does have an appointment next week for bloodwork and check up and we will see how that goes. Thank you to those of you that still continue to always ask how he is. We continue to stay positive as much as possible 🙏
We have all use it the excuse that “life just gets busy” or “life is crazy” we have missed that connection with friends and family and for most of us we believe it to be true, I know I do. And let’s face it life is extremely freaking insane right now, I don’t think anyone is enjoying this time, am I right? In one way or another, our lives have been changed by COVID-19, the riots, politics, and let’s not forget the mask or no mask….OMG! It may not be a surprise that my thoughts on all of this are not conventional, but I won’t get too deep into that here. I will say is that things are never what they seem! And do you really think all this is about our health? Seriously if things were about our health so much more would change! What upsets me the most is the hatred towards others, we are all human and we just need to treat each other the way we want to be treated! There is right and there is wrong and we are never going to all be on the same page, this is not the new normal. What this is, is an uncertain time for all of us, causing a lot of stress and anxiety in the world (if we could only shower everyone in essential oils)!
I have been busier during this whole thing, which has had its ups and downs. Working over full time, plus our business, essential oils, and health and wellness, oh my! Oh yeah, and being a wife and mother. I feel you out there! But if you have been fortunate to have more time, have you used this to our advantage? Or check on friends and family just to say hey or how they are doing? My honest answer…no, not as much as I should be! Here it is that life is too busy at times that we cannot make time for those that are important to us and now we cannot even reach out!? I’m ashamed to say that I have not done so in a way I know I should have. It only takes a few seconds to say hi or to ask how someone is doing. It doesn’t even matter if you get a response back. What matters is that you took the initiative to reach out, take the action to your thoughts and you can feel good by doing so. We are only in control of our own actions, not anyone else’s, going back to just being a good human.
Have you been motivated during this time? You know I’m over here just thinking and overthinking of coarse. Asking myself what are the positives to come from this whole experience, is it possible for things to be better than before? What small steps can I take now to help the future for me and for my family? The extra time spent with the ones inside our household is definitely not always easy and can be frustrating especially for kids with too much free time on their hands. Get to know what values the ones closest to you have and find similar beliefs that you can work on together. Think about your future, what do you see, what do you want to do? We are still figuring this out and I only have the one child who loves nothing more than to sit alone and play video games all day long 🤦🏻♀️.
Are you taking this time to better yourself? And, therefore, bettering those around you! SELF CARE is the most important thing, I really think that most of us need to take better care of ourselves, especially the momma’s out there. Please take the time to rest, relax, and reset your mind. How can YOU make a better life for yourself? I pushed myself out of my comfort zone these last few months and need to continue that more in order to make progress. At the beginning of this whole thing (who am I kidding those days come and go), I felt as if I was on an emotional and motivation roller coaster! One day I was happy to be moving forward and thinking about the future, the next day I’d think why even bother…I think the world is going to hell. But it’s not and we cannot let that perception be what is implanted into our minds. We have to continue to believe in ourselves and a better world.
It comes down to this, none of us are promised tomorrow, not a single one of us! Let that really sink in, the reality is life is short! If you had yesterday to do over what would you do differently? Do you know what the most commonly missed opportunities in life are? Brought to you by Bonnie Ware and “The Top 5 Regrets of the dying”:
- I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
- I wish I hadn’t worked so much.
- I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
- I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
- I wish that I had let myself be happier.
I have mentioned these before, can you relate to any of them now? What are we waiting for?! We do not get another chance at this life. I recently heard a quote from Les Brown that also resonated deeply with me, “Live Full, Die Empty” during the talk he goes on to say a graveyard is full of people that could have been this or that but the world will never know. The time is now to get out of our own heads, to make a difference in others’ lives, and most importantly in our own life. I believe we were are here to become our best versions and to help others find their best self too! Do the things that bring you joy, that make you happy and embrace anyone along that journey of well being! I have gotten more clarity on what it is that makes me happy in life and how I need to push towards that. Even if I feel like a complete mess sometimes, I am trying to make the best of it and live for the moment, there really is so much more to live for.
Ok, I know I rambled about all kinds of things, thanks for reading 😉
Now let’s get back to real normal already!

2 Responses
Love u. Xo
love you!!!