The doctor
We went in for the results and they were not really bad, just some of the levels the doctor wants to see a little higher to be fighting cancer. Also, despite all the natural sugar (fruit) intake, his blood sugars were great, just proof that natural sugars are good for you! The one thing that showed high was his Eosinophils, and she suggested it may be an allergy and did some kinesiology using the supplements he was taking. Very interesting technic and I’m looking forward to researching that further. She concluded that the PABA intake could be causing that high level. Although after we got home, I realized that his Eosinophils have been high since before he started conventional treatment. A work in process to figure it out. The things she suggested to supplement and we ordered were zinc, B vitamin complex,
I really like the Garden of Life brand! Their products are organic, NON-GMO, made from real food that can even be traced back to the seed and farm it was grown on. And because I was so impressed with their products, I ordered Kloey and I multi-vitamins, the kid’s gummies are so good, I am going to try the women’s gummies next time 🙂
Since we were ordering supplements I wanted to start incorporating some herbs to mix. Tulsi-Holy Basil which Tulsi is a rejuvenating herb that is an adaptogen.

We also did little research on Iodine deficiency contributing to cancer. The immune system and fighting infections need iodine to function correctly. There are some great qualities of iodine. A big one is it has apoptotic properties which can stop cancer cells from dividing. Iodine can also help your body detox halides (chlorine, fluoride & bromide) and heavy metals. It can even boost your lymph system, liver and kidneys naturally. I have to admit I hate the taste of this (Todd doesn’t mind it), but if it can do so many wonderful things for your body, I’m willing to give it a try!
It seems like we hear new things causing cancer and healing cancer every day. We just try to do a little research behind them and use our own judgment to whether or not to try them. Then you have to listen to your own body, to help guide you if something is working. This is all a learning process and for the most part, we don’t really have much to lose in trying new natural healing products. Nothing compared to the side effects of the conventional world!
The next step was to have a Thermography done.