Tag: detox

Navigating our way through natural healing

Supporting Todd’s Lymphatic System

When Todd was re-diagnosed with cancer earlier this year, we learned it was only found in his lymph nodes – again. The lymphatic system is your body’s natural detox powerhouse—it helps flush out toxins, fight infections, and keep your immune system running strong. But here’s the thing no one talks about: it has no pump.…
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We should all be free to be ourselves! I feel like this is touching on everything I have already blogged about. Being vulnerable enough to let your true self shine. Let go of things that bring us down and are not you. Detox your mind, body, and spirit until cleansed of all the trash that…
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The world is such a toxic place! We have this beautiful planet that we call home. Earth has provided everything we need to survive and live a healthy life. But yet human beings are treating it as a dump. Everywhere we look is some form of toxicity to the environment we live in. The air…
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