
When we think of someone being vulnerable, it sounds like a bad thing and by definition you are weak. That is not the way I see it anymore! I think to be vulnerable is the epitome of being real, like really deep and real with people. However, the definition can be true if your story gets into the wrong hands. You can potentially open yourself up for th
I have always been rather open about my life with those that are close to me, maybe a little too open at times. I had a best friend that I shared everything with and I was betrayed. It is hard to know who you can trust to not exploit your story to others to make you look bad. These were my issues, not theirs and it took me a while to let my guard down after all of that happened. I am not only the victim here, as I know that I have said some things to others that was not mine to tell. I’m sure most of us have, right? The expression of two sides to every story…this is true.
One day I realized if anyone is going to be talking about me and my family and our situations it was going to come from me, not someone who twist it around. Remember the game telephone, the original message was never the same by the time it came out in the end. It has become normal to talk down to or make fun of those that are different from us. You see it on t.v., movies, and even radio constantly. The truth is that we do not always know what someone is really going through to make those assumptions. But when we truly know someone’s story it becomes easier to sympathize with them instead of judge them. It makes us want to portray them and their story with truth.
This past 16 months I have been more vulnerable than I have ever been in my whole life! It is hard to talk about the fears I have for my husband and our family, it is hard to admit that we are struggling financially, and hard to admit all the mistakes we may have made that lead us up to this point. I know there are going to be judgments about me and what I should be doing. But this is me and this is my story and no one can take that away.
Through all of this, we have found our better (true) selves. Todd and I are more honest with our feelings with each other and has made our relationship stronger. I have even had some of the best conversations with strangers, just by opening up to them, letting your heart feel the emotions. There are still a lot of really great people in the world that care about your story and want to share theirs. We are who we surround ourselves with and you will attract like-minded people.
At the end of the day, I think we all just want to be accepted for who we are. We need to be ourselves, not what anyone else thinks we should be. Let that delicate flower blossom and the caterpillar turn into a beautiful butterfly.