Wellness Dentist

I’m sure most people are like, what is a wellness dentist? I thought the same thing! So, the main reason we were recommended to wellness (also referred to as holistic or biological) dentistry was for the ozone (O3) therapy used during dental procedures to help support the mouths healing process by fighting the bacteria/viruses naturally. Todd had several dental concerns that needed to be taken care of (prominently on the left) and we decided this was the place to get them done given his situation.
The first comprehensive exam visit is a thorough evaluation of the whole person and their oral cavity. They test saliva in the mouth for your PH level, because a lower PH indicates a higher risk for dental issues. A healthy diet can higher your ph level. They have low radiation digital x-rays that are about 75% less, I think more dentist is using this too thankfully. A live bacterial analysis is taken and is examined with you to see how much and the types of bacteria living in your mouth microbiome.
Something that they do each visit that really excites me and I will be looking forward to is they incorporate aromatherapy!!! How exciting, they have several essential options for you to choose from and add a few drops to your bib 🙂
When you go to have a procedure done and need numbing, acupressure is used and Todd said he never felt the needle. I used this with Kloey since then she’s had a
He is finished with all of the dental work for now and is waiting for a night g