Wellness Dentist Part 2

If you read the original “Wellness Dentist” you understand what a wellness dentist is all about. That post was Todd’s experience, although I was there, I had not had the experience myself until recently. I know that my health is important too, but at the time of that post, Todd’s health was a top priority. So my doctor’s appointments took a back seat, mainly because we were broke and I was scared to spend any time or money on things that didn’t seem as important at that time.
Kloey has had a temporary filling since the end of last year, the only dentist she let work on her without being sedated moved and we had no idea where she went, then Covid happened… I, on the other hand, have had a broken tooth for about 4 years now, it never bothered me so I didn’t worry too much about it (we all do this right, even though we know better). Then I had another tooth crack not too long ago, so I figured it was time for Kloey and me to schedule appointments with the wellness dentist too. The only issue is that we do not have dental insurance and it takes about an hour’s drive to get there. So, I made an appointment for all three of us for the same day.
I went back and that tooth I told you about that had been cracked for 4 years was infected and so was the root canal tooth beside it. The best option was to remove both of those teeth and put a bone graph in place. This was a great concept, as she was explaining the procedure to me. First, draw your blood and spin it to separate the plasma from it, this is injected around the sponge once the teeth are removed to help your body produce its own buildable surface. During the whole process, ozone water was shot into the area a couple of times to promote healing (love this). Let me tell you, I should have taken a picture of the broken tooth! There was an attached infection ball to the root of that tooth! Once the sponge was in place and I was stitched up, a low-level laser is used in my mouth and around my jar to promote healing. They even offered the laser complimentary for the rest of the week to stimulate my stem cells and blood flow, it also helps with inflammation and pain. Had we lived closer, believe me, I would have been there!
Because my procedure took up so much time Kloey just had an exam that day and Todd a check-up and cleaning. This was by far the most intensive dental work I have ever had done! I can honestly say that my time in the chair was the best to date. Later that afternoon the dentist called to check up on me, I have never had that done. I was surprised that my jaw was bruised and swollen for the rest of the week, but healed nicely. I was sent home with “Sockit-Gel” an all-natural pain gel, of course, I loved it because I do not take any pain medication, not even over the counter if I can help it. Did you know that over 30% of opioids are prescribed by dentists and oral surgeons?! Instead in my little take-home bag was also some “immune-a-tea” blend with rose hips, rosemary, clove, cinnamon, lemon peel, and eucalyptus leaf which was super yummy with some honey.
We returned at the beginning of August for each of us to have a filling done. Our dentist is so sweet and gentle and while Kloey was super anxious about the visit, she did great! The essential oils on the bib and heated massaging chairs contribute to a better experience! Todd and Kloey are all set and unfortunately, for me, I have a few more sessions left.
We have continued to educate ourselves as much as we can on health and all the connections. Dental health is so important to our overall health. There are more obvious known risk factors, including smoking and diet history. Studies have shown that people with a history of periodontal disease had an increased risk of cancer compared with those without any history. We have watched numerous stories on how a dental issue was the root of multiple diseases. I was stupid to wait, and I know I’m not the only one who does that. If it’s not bothering you, it must not be an issue….SO WRONG! Take care of yourself, inside and out, everything is connected, our bodies are amazing and are always trying to tell us something. Please start listening to those instincts, voices, guides, intuition, or whatever you want to call it.