Our Metastatic Melanoma Journey: Navigating Treatment, Integrative Approaches, and Hope

Navigating our way through natural healing

Our Metastatic Melanoma Journey: Navigating Treatment, Integrative Approaches, and Hope

We wanted answers, and finally, we got them. It’s been a rollercoaster of emotions since hearing Todd’s diagnosis again last week, and the journey ahead is daunting, but we’re ready to face it head-on.

Todd had his port placed Thursday, a reminder of the battle he’s about to undertake. Today marks the beginning of his treatment, a combination of immunotherapy drugs recommended by his oncologist. It’s a pivotal moment in our lives, filled with hope, fear, and uncertainty. But choosing to be positive!

The news wasn’t what we hoped for, but it could have been much worse. The cancer is once again in his lymph nodes in the left side of his neck and extending downwards. While it’s a blow to digest, we find solace in the fact that it hasn’t metastasized elsewhere. It’s a small victory in a sea of challenges.

The oncologist presented Todd’s case to the tumor board this week, seeking additional perspectives from experts in oncology, surgery, and radiology. We’re grateful for their input and expertise as we navigate this complex journey…we haven’t received their conclusions.

Despite the conventional treatment from medical professionals, there’s a huge frustration. Because no one wants to give any advice on integrative approaches to complement Todd’s conventional treatment. It still blows my mind that they really don’t care about diet and lifestyle. As advocates for holistic health, we believe in the power of supporting the body during its fight against cancer. We’re determined to explore integrative options alongside traditional therapy, harnessing the full spectrum of available resources.

This journey isn’t just about Todd—it’s about our entire family facing this again together. We’re grateful for the outpouring of love and support we’ve received from friends, family, and even strangers. Your prayers, positive vibes, and thoughts are a source of strength during this challenging time.

As we embark on this journey, we invite you to join us. We’ll share the highs and lows, the victories and setbacks. Together, we’ll navigate the twists and turns of metastatic melanoma, holding onto hope and never losing sight of the light at the end of the tunnel.

And speaking of support, we have an exciting opportunity to share with you. This week, we are hosting a live webinar in our free Facebook group on the power of molecular hydrogen in supporting overall health and wellness. In the midst of our own journey, we discovered the incredible benefits of this cutting-edge therapy, and we want to share it with you. Join us as we dive into the science behind molecular hydrogen and its potential impact on our well-being. Together, let’s explore avenues of healing and hope.

**make sure to put my name as the person who invited you, Ashley Jenkins.

Thank you for standing by our side, for your unwavering support and love. With your help, we’ll face whatever lies ahead with courage, determination, and resilience.


4 Responses

  1. Melanie Conrad says:

    Todd, you are so strong and inspirational!! You’ve come so far since your initial dx.and I’m certain you are physicially, emotionally, and spiritually in a better place now. That doesn’t mean it will be any easier and we are sending prayers, love and support that you rally this time as well!
    Love Melanie and Chips

  2. Diane Smith says:

    Thankyou Ashley for the update and invitation. I have applied to join the group. So happy to hear from you. You and your family are always in my heart. I wish your news was better. I believe the 3 of you will continue to conquer this evil cancer. I am fortunate to be cancer free for almost 5 years now. I will follow you in your journey with hope and prayers.

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