
Navigating our way through natural healing


My honest opinion was that the whole idea was a waste of money and I’d much rather sleep in my own bed. I hate even spending the money to go out of town and have to buy a hotel room, just another peeve of mine. Can anyone relate? I could see the relaxation potential in just being away from the house because I can always find something that needs to be done and keep myself busy most of the time even on my “off” days. All I wanted to do to celebrate the new year, my birthday, and getting to cut my hours at work was a getaway! Our last time away from home was our trip to Mexico, which was not really relaxing or enjoyable and definitely not for pleasure. I fought the possibility for a few weeks before breaking down and booking the stay.

We stayed about 40 minutes north in a private triplex right on the ocean with an amazing view! A cute two-bedroom place that allowed us to even bring all three pups, so we didn’t have to worry about anyone else watching them. So Sammy, the Yorkie, Mille, the Morkie, and the puppy, whose name is not quite permanent (Bunker, Bumper, because he is no longer Chunky since his hair cut lol) got to join in. However, it would have been a little easier without them. I think they had a good time getting away from the everyday dog life.

When we arrived, the place was super clean which was great especially in these times and I’m a little bit of a clean freak! I have to say, I do wish they had different cleaning products. The toxic fumes filled the place so strongly that we immediately opened the doors and windows. Most people have no clue and do not even notice how awful this can be. When you are detoxed from using chemicals in your life, you can notice how they affect your body. Headaches, scratchy throat, congestion, and those are just the noticeable symptoms, I don’t want to think about other damage. Glad we brought oil supplements, a diffuser, and the best water to get us through. I really hate to complain about the place because it was so worth spending the money πŸ˜‰

A beach sunrise and sunset without going anywhere is a dream come true. Todd and I woke up early and drank our coffee on the beach access stairs that had a platform literally steps from the back door accompanied by a pair of chairs. This was the highlight of our stay, watching the sunrise over the ocean while the moon faded above was simply amazing.

Kloey, whose lifeline is her Xbox, staying up late, and talking with her friends had to compromise a little, but I can only hope she benefitted from a little disconnect. She probably would not admit it any time in the near future. I enjoyed feeling like she was a tad closer for a few days. Even though we live in the same house and homeschool, she still feels so far away 😒

I was able to fully relax, barely opened my laptop. We only left once for dinner on my birthday and to grab a few essentials from the grocery store. I’m a total homebody and enjoy just the peace and quiet of not having to go anywhere especially with a view of Mother Nature. I have been chasing the feeling of freedom for what seems like forever and I found it that weekend. We are on a mission to live every day in the free life.

If you love staycations, let me know. And if you’re apprehensive like I was I highly recommend giving it a try! We have been on trips where we didn’t like where we were staying and felt stuck, grossed out, bad locations…you know what I mean. But worst-case scenario, you are close to home so you can pack it up and leave. Making it also convenient when the trip is over, it’s just a short ride away from home sweet home. I’d love to do more staycations, my only hold back at this point is the overexposure of chemicals.


4 Responses

  1. Linda Meyer says:

    Sounds awesome! Glad you had this time.

  2. Bailey says:

    Happy happy belated birthday, dear Ashley!!! I love the idea of a staycation! πŸ˜€ I am a bit of a homebody myself!! Staying close to home saves time, money and stress. Lol!


  3. Amanda says:

    Glad you had fun! And got to get out of town for a bit. I’ve been honestly trying to find somewhere same set up as that. Lol.if you remember the name let me know πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’– hope you had the best birthday xo

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