The Second Week

Navigating our way through natural healing

The Second Week

Another week at CHIPSA down and only one more to go! Todd’s schedule had some modifications after our meeting that have seemed to meet his needs more efficiency. No matter what you are dealing with, it could always be better or worse, fate lies in your hands. It takes more strength to be real and vulnerable to push through the pain to keep the affirmations flowing. You have to release the negative feelings to find the positive ones on the other side. Address those issues today so that you can have a brighter tomorrow. Life is what you make it and it’s not always that easy for any of us.

The Coley’s toxins still gave Todd a feverish feel but did not seem as intense on Thursday. He was able to come back to the hotel and rest for a bit but did have some pretty intense back spasms that lasted into the night. I mixed up some coconut oil with peppermint and roman chamomile essential oils to rub on his back because it resembled the pain I have felt with sciatica and that helped to soothe him while he slept. By Friday morning his back was sore but no longer experiencing the spasms.

Thursday afternoon, we made a trip to the laundry mat, it was interesting and necessary because we were running out of clean clothes since we each only packed a carry on bag. I have never seen so many washers and dryers in one place. Once we paid the cashier, they gave us a token for the washer and the dryer worked off of quarters. While the clothes were in the dryer we walked down the road to the Starbucks, Kloey had been begging to go since we arrived here and to my amazement even it was cheaper than in the U.S. the menu was different especially when it came to the food, a lot more options. Speaking of food I don’t think I mentioned the trip to Walmart last weekend, they had a more expansive produce section, but not a big variety of boxed snacks for Kloey and me and almost everything has some sort of spice to it. There is also a very minimal selection of personal care items. We ran out of my DōTERRA sample toothpaste packs (the full size was too big to fly with) and had to settle for arm and hammer but there are not any fluoride-free options, darn it.

Friday’s treatment plan went well without either IPT or the Coley’s, he did receive the Meyers cocktail again and ended with the VG 5,000 injection in his abdomen that has left him sore today. We have enjoyed a relaxing morning and had some real authentic tacos thaty were absolutely amazing, not sure our stomach agrees or if we are just not use to them. This weekend we are also planning on catching up on Chris Warks Square One program that is on replay for free this weekend until Monday @ midnight if you are interested, he goes over causes and preventions for cancer:

This hurricane threat back home has us on high alert and worried, this has not been ideal for us to not be home to prepare. We are so relieved and thankful to have our family and friends back home taking care of things as much as they can. The latest update shows the storm heading more east so we will keep our prayers in hopes that path will continue and everyone will remain safe. Enjoy the quality time you have with one another, and learn to appreciate it more as no one knows what our future holds.

We were not able to raise anywhere close to the $5,300 for the additional treatments that were offered, but we are still grateful for what we received! At least I can say I tried and things do happen for a reason…We are planning for the continuation of Todd’s treatment once we return and will be sent home with a 3 month supply of medications some are already included and others are not. Keep that in mind as we go into this last week and will need more funds before we leave on Friday. I will post specifics as we get them. Please continue to share our story, the blog, our funding page, etc. Thank you all so much!!!!


2 Responses

  1. Juli Summers says:

    Praying and wondering

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