We Need an Update

I know, I have totally been slacking on my blog post lately! Juggling life is not easy most of the time and it’s been since December that I gave a true update on Todd’s health…wow this year keeps getting faster and crazier!
In August, it had been a whole year since Todd’s last PET scan. This was before our trip to Mexico and after we returned he had a lymph node dissection and lymphovenous bypass surgery. Basically, they removed the tumours and the lymph nodes from his left auxiliary and then re-routed his lymph system into his veins. If you would like to read more about it, go back a few blogs. Very interesting procedure!
His recovery was long as a lot of his armpit skin was removed as well as some other tissue, making it hard to maneuver. He did some Lymphadema physical therapies and worked on stretching at home. Today his range of motion is much greater, but still tough to put much weight on. The numbness and some nerve pain in his side and up under the arm is still there and may be indefinitely.
Although, his mind was made up on not having the PET scan done, Todd decided to get a check up on blood work and was due for his marijuana prescription renewal. Yes, you have to get a licence renewal yearly and your prescription renewed every 270 days!
Side note: I have literally not touched Todd’s medical binder since February and did not realise how amazing that has felt until that freedom was gone for the day! Just pulling the notebook out to take with me for notes made me feel uneasy, like I needed to have it with me, like I did for sooo long at all of the appointments, writing down every little thing that was said as proof of this journey. It was a very strange feeling that I have never felt before. A great reminder that I am thankful to no longer carry it with me all the time!
During the visit, we asked his doctor to feel the right auxiliary, because ever since Mexico when the ultra sound tech told Todd that there was a lymph node on that side that was having a reaction to the treatment and he thought was concerning, but never noted it any where. It has been in the back of Todd’s mind that something was wrong in there. His doctor examined and replied that the lymph nodes felt abnormal…immediately our spirits were crushed and emotions flooded our thoughts. That lasted for for a few days until we realised that nothing had really changed other than the doctor feeling and stating her opinion. There was no scan or pathology done to confirm this, and that abnormal does not necessarily mean something bad. The most important thing is that while Todd also feels that they may not be normal, they seem the same as the have been for the past year. I have felt them myself and honestly do not feel any different than mine. So the decision still stood, not ready for a PET scan at this time.
September 8th was Todd’s 38th Birthday! I cannot begin to explain how grateful I am to have this man by my side after everything we have gone through. I am so lucky to be his wife and have him as the father of our child! I could go on but I’ll stop for now 🥰
This day we had the follow up visit to review all of his blood work. It takes a few weeks to get the results from the test that break down the micro-nutritient levels. Overall the results were good, just a few things that were a little low like Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, magnesium, COQ10 but nothing alarming. Todd had been off of his supplements for a while before his blood draw, which gave a true reading and helped understand what we need to replace. The best news is that his basic blood work including CBC, Lipid, Cardiovascular & Inflammation, CMP and other markers all came back normal, which all of these were usually ok, but even the Eosinophils were back to normal. Since the very beginning they have ran high, so that made our day! The doctor also agreed that if the scan itself wouldn’t change anything, meaning what would we do with that information then why waste the time and money on the radiation of having it done.
We continue to live each day as best we can and keep up or positive outlook on life. Everyday is a gift and we only live once in this lifetime. Choose to be happy, do things that make you happy! It’s truly a practice that we work at constantly, always learning and growing into better versions of ourselves 🙌

7 Responses
Thanks for the update! Todd and all of you have been through so much and rallied! Sounds like you’re all happy, and have such an amazing healthy lifestyle! Kudos!
Always in my prayers!
I just want to say thanm you for these in depth updates. I love yall ♥️💕❤️
You’re welcome 😊 We love you!!!
Hi Ashley and Todd. Wonderful update. So happy to hear good news! You continue to amaze me. I knew you were special when I first met you💕. I will keep you in my prayers always. Continue to enjoy life
Hi Diane! Definitely made me tear up reading your comment, happy tears, thank you 😊 We hope you are doing well too!
Ahhhh! Your mindset throughout this whole journey is always one that stands out to me. You continue to be so positive in the face of adversity….you burn show such fortitude. <3 it’s incredible how something like that binder can hold such negative associations. So glad that you are so in tune with what doesn’t feel good, so that you can instead focus on those feel good things and nurture what feels precious in life. Happy to hear that Todd has achieved some levels of homeostasis!
Natalie, thank you so much for taking the time to read our story! We were meant to cross paths and I appreciate you 💜